Archivi tag: stars

Warm Dark Matter Cosmology in agreement with observations

Warm Dark Matter (WDM) is hot topic in galaxies cosmology and implies novelties in the astrophysical, cosmological particle and nuclear physics context. Warm Dark Matter Cosmology (LWDM) gives the same successfull large scale results and CMB results than Cold Dark Matter (LCDM) and succesfully agrees with the observations at the galactic and small scales. 

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Astronomy at high angular resolution

Recent years have seen a huge development in high-resolution astronomical techniques, which are critical to progress in many different areas of astronomy. These techniques can be divided in direct methods (Adaptive optics, lucky imaging), interferometry (including speckle imaging and spectro-astrometry), and reconstruction methods (astrotomography). This workshop aims at bringing together the different communities working on these fields and increase the synergies between them. It is indeed often necessary to combine all these techniques together in order to have a coherent and comprehensive idea of all the processes at work in a given astronomical environment. Continua a leggere Astronomy at high angular resolution

GES 2014: Gaia-Eso Survey Second Science Meeting

The Gaia-ESO Survey (GES) is currently half way to achieve its goal to collect spectra for 100 000 stars over a period of five years. The survey is providing an homogeneous overview of the distributions of kinematics and elemental abundances for the major components of the Milky Way, namely the bulge, the thick and the thin discs and the halo. In addition to the field component, a very significant sample of open star clusters, covering all accessible cluster ages and stellar masses, as well as a handful of globular clusters are being observed. Continua a leggere GES 2014: Gaia-Eso Survey Second Science Meeting

Physics and Evolution of Magnetic and Related Stars

The Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences will organize a traditional International conference “Physics and Evolution of Magnetic and Related stars” during the period from August 25 to August 31, 2014. Continua a leggere Physics and Evolution of Magnetic and Related Stars

Dense Cores: Origin, Evolution, and Collapse

Dense cores are the molecular cloud structures that spawn low-mass stars, and perhaps massive stars as well. Given their pivotal role, many in the star formation community have devoted considerable energy to studying them, both observationally and theoretically. This three-day meeting will bring together researchers working at the forefront of this exciting area. We envision an informal and highly interactive workshop, with much time devoted to lively group discussion.

Mass assembly from clouds to clusters

The process by which stars within clusters assemble their mass is incredibly important but currently not very well understood.  While recent surveys of the Galactic Plane have identified a large number of dense, massive clouds where the next generation of cluster formation will likely occur, progress in understanding the process by which clusters form has been limited primarily due to the lack of angular resolution and sensitivity of the observations.

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Solar and Stellar Flares

This conference will be held in honour of Prof. Zdeněk Švestka who awarded by a special medal for his great work for the Solar Physics journal.

Topics to be discussed will be in the following areas:

  • Flare processes in the corona
  • Response of the lower atmosphere to flare processes
  • Flare-related CMEs
  • Stellar flares
  • New instrumentation for flare research

Conference poster.

The X-ray Universe

The XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre is organising a major astrophysical symposium from Monday 16th to Thursday 19th of June 2014 in Dublin, Ireland. The symposium is the fourth international meeting in the series “The X-ray Universe”. The intention is to gather a general collection of research in high energy astrophysics. The symposium will provide a showcase for results, discoveries and expectations from current and future X-ray missions. Continua a leggere The X-ray Universe

Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun

The “Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun” (also known as “Cool Stars”) has been running for 34 years since the first one was held in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1980. Previous Cool Stars venues include Santa Fe, NM; Boulder, CO; Seattle, WA; Tucson, AZ; Athens, GA; Florence, Italy; Tenerife, Spain; Hamburg, Germany; Pasadena, CA; St. Andrews, Scotland; and Barcelona, Spain. Lowell Observatory is proud to add Flagstaff, Arizona to this long list of distinguished cities.  Continua a leggere Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun

HD 162826, found a solar sibling

Solar sibling HD 162826 is not visible to the unaided eye, but can be seen with low-power binoculars near the bright star Vega in the night sky. A high-resolution version of this chart is available at . (Credit: Ivan Ramirez/Tim Jones/McDonald Observatory)

Un gruppo di astronomi guidati da Ivan Ramirez della University of Texas at Austin hanno identificato il primo “fratello del Sole”, ossia l’oggetto denominato con la sigla HD 162826 situato a circa 110 anni-luce e quasi certamente originatesi dalla stessa nube di gas e polveri da cui si è formata la nostra stella. Questa scoperta aiuterà gli astronomi ad identificare altri oggetti stellari simili al Sole da cui si potranno ottenere maggiori indizi sulla sua formazione per rispondere ad una importante questione che riguarda l’origine della vita sulla Terra.

More at University of Texas: Astronomers Find Sun’s ‘Long-Lost Brother,’ Pave Way for Family Reunion